
The Sustainable Business School

GREENTECH FESTIVAL partners with Tomorrow University for 21st-century education, equipping professionals with skills for a sustainable future. Learn from renown industry leaders and GTF speakers with proven track record in sustainability and green tech through a state of the art approach to learning.

Impact Certificate

Prototype Impactful Solutions

Acquire the skills and tools needed to develop solutions for market opportunities and test them effectively through prototyping and iteration. Learn to discover user needs, design and prototype products, and iteratively measure and improve towards product-market fit. From finding problem-solution fit to product-market fit, ensure your business idea meets demand and aligns with user needs.

Master methods to deeply understand and empathize with users, designing solutions that authentically address their inherent needs.

Delve into engaging challenges, learn from industry experts, and emerge with the expertise to drive positive change and elevate your career.

Credits 15 ECTS
Format Online
Duration 9 Weeks
Tuition €1,950
Language English
Eligibility Open to all
Weekly Commitment Approx. 10h
Schedule 1 session / week
Evaulation Project-based

What is challenge-based learning


Via Critical Questioning, you shift from memorising theory to putting ideas and knowledge into action through learning by doing.


You prepare and engage in a journey that sets the basis for solution -based outputs.


Evidence-based strategies are created, tested, and then implemented to ensure progress and results.